Amazing Benefits of Herbal Powders for your Body, Skin, & Hair Health

You might have come across several beauty products on the market. Some of them might have also convinced you that they are worth your money and chances are that you might have also used many of them just to get disappointed later on. That’s because the beauty products that are easily available in the market contain chemicals that fail to deliver the results that we expect. In a world full of chemical-based products, if you happen to find ayurvedic herbal powders online at Ayurveda Plaza or at New York Ayurveda and Panchakarma Center, you will always be in a win-win situation.

When you use authentic ayurvedic herbal powders for your body, skin, and hair health, you will get to know how beneficial they are and worth every penny that you spend. So, here we are with the list of a few ayurvedic herbal powders online at Ayurveda Plaza or in New York at New York Ayurveda and Panchakarma Center that are a must-have for a healthy lifestyle.


·        Ashwagandha Powder
Ashwagandha is a small woody plant that is found in India and North Africa. Its roots and berries are used for making Ayurvedic formulations that offer several benefits to mankind. Its powder is known to enhance the function of the brain and the whole nervous system. And not only this, but it is also known to help people in improving the function of their reproductive system. It is considered to be a powerful adaptogen that helps your body in managing stress more effectively. It can also improve your body’s defense against diseases as it improves cell-mediated immunity. It can also lower the levels of anxiety in your body and hence, help you with sleep disorders. Along with that, it can also enhance muscle growth, memory, and male fertility.

·        Neem Powder
Though it is a bitter taste, neem is known to be a powerful herb. Even its name means the bestower of good health. The popularity of neem is because of its healing powers that are known to treat several disorders. Talking about Ayurveda, neem is used in around 75% of the formulations. It has antiseptic, anti-microbial, and antifungal properties. It is also known to be great for blood purification and detoxification. Some people also use it to treat eczema, acne, and other skin diseases. Neem is also a commonly used herb when someone is suffering from malaria. And not only this, it can also be used to maintain oral hygiene and prevent dental infections.


·        Triphala Powder
Triphala is an ancient herbal remedy that is known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects. It offers a number of benefits to us including oral, digestive, and skin healing benefits. It is made using three plants native to India, including Indian gooseberry, black myrobalan, and belleric myrobalan. According to ayurvedic practitioners, healing or balancing three doshas can help a person achieve optimal health and it is believed that Triphala can balance these three doshas with the help of its three powerful ingredients. Triphala is also known to help people by boosting their oral health and helping with conditions like gingivitis, plaque, sores, and fungal infections. Along with this, it can also help with Type 2 diabetes, skin healing, stomach ulcers, and other digestive health issues.

If you are looking forward to taking advantage of these powerful ayurvedic herbal powders online in New York, Ayurveda Plaza is the best online store for you. Based on your certain health requirements, you can place your order with us. 

Disclaimer: Information on this website is for educational purposes only. Theses statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any products listed or sold on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat cure or prevent any disease. Consultations or any therapies at our partner centers should not be construed as a substitute for a medical examination, diagnosis or treatment.


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